6-Hour Diablo Food Warming Wick Chafing Fuel – Screw Cap
Description: 6-Hour Diablo Food Warming Wick Chafing Fuel with its revolutionary wick assembly routinely burns hotter and a lot longer than rivals’ product lines. Its patented wick enables it gets to optimum temperature much faster than every other wick or gel fuel product available in the market today. Recovery times are faster and heat output is consistent throughout the entire burn-time. with it’s patented EZ Cap technology it is easy to open or close without the need for tools.
- Used for food warming applications
- Patented Wick Design Makes It the Fastest Product in Industry to Reach Maximum Heat Output
- Product is 100% Recyclable
- Maintains Heat Output for Duration of Product
- 100% Combustion Guarantee
- 207° F Heat Output
- True Burn Time Guarantee
Part Number: DHW006
SKU#: 20052322000064
Burn Time: 6 Hours
Case Pack: 24 Cans
Case Weight: 15 Pounds
Cases Per Pallet: 110 cases